Monday, August 4, 2008

The weekends always go by too fast!

Nick came into town on Friday. He made it to our house around 1:30 or so...I had fallen asleep (surprise) way before that...maybe 11pm or when he got in, Steve and I both stayed up longer to hang out with him. We hung out until around 3:30am then I headed upstairs.

Saturday morning started out with Whammies from Durf's. Kyle came over to get his Escape fixed, so the boys hung out in the garage with with Steve for a little bit. They were done around 3pm, so then Nick and Steve took a nap before we headed over to Jami and Kyle's for a cookout. The slept until like 5pm, so we didn't make it over to their house until after 6pm, but we didn't miss much. Charli was so funny the entire time we were there. As soon as we walked up, Charli was busy dancing on the deck with everyone and when she saw us it was all about "Hi! Hi!" sooo freakin cute.

So instead of going to Riggs' for a bonfire like we had originally planned, we ended up staying at Kyle and Jami's for the night. Jon Bams made it over too, and it had been a few months since we saw him, so it was good time.

We all left around midnight and called it a night.

Nick left around 10:30am Sunday morning - boo. Steve and I decided to go to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch since we hadn't been there in a long time to eat. It was so good (as usual)...then we headed off to Elab for a little bit. Steve bought this grinder thing - not sure what it's called and I got myself a cute little one-hitter.

Then we just went home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon - it was definitely a lazy Sunday.

And back to work already. Great. Just great. Steve has off today and tomorrow - it's so hard to come to work when he's home...

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