Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our 3rd anniversary

Steve and I have been together for 3 years. 3 solid years. We've never broken up, never "took a break" or whatever. It's been awesome. It's the longest either of us have been in a relationship. It's comforting to know that it's so solid and we're so perfect for each other. I can't imagine what my life would be like right now if we never got together.

This week is also a celebration of being in our house for 1 year. That was yesterday. 1 year flew by, let me tell you.

We don't generally buy a lot of gifts for each other because we just don't feel the need for it. If we want to buy something, we just get it...usually. We went overboard for Christmas last year and we decided that this year would be different. I think we're either going to get a Wii, or a treadmill and call it our gifts.

So back to the gift thing...Steve has been eyeing this exhaust for his motorcycle since we got the bike home. So it's been 2 years that he's wanted this for his bike and he won't get it for himself. It's $1,000 and I know that he'd rather spend that money on me, or the house. But each week, I see him sitting hopelessly at the computer, looking for cheaper ones on Ebay. Each week I see the disappointment in his face when he can't find it. Each week he mentions "when I get that exhaust..." so I decided to get it for him. I called the shop where we bought the bike and asked them to help me out. They did. And they gave me 10% off! So I ordered the one I thought Steve would want (there are 3 kinds!) and just hoped for the best. It's coming from Illinois, so it'll be here tomorrow afternoon.

I made a card for Steve that said "Happy 3rd Anniversary" on the front, and a picture of the exhaust on the inside. I was waiting ALL day to give it to him! I even broke down and told him I had a surprise for him. If you know me, you know my big mouth.

So of course he almost shit his pants when I gave him the card. He couldn't believe it. It was so fun!

So tomorrow, I'm taking a half day off work to spend the day with him (he has off), then we have dinner plans with my dad, then Saturday we go to the state fair! I'm excited for our anniversary weekend, it should be so fun!

Back to work - I have to get through today and half of tomorrow...

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