Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What a great weekend! (mostly)

It was a glorious long weekend! At least for me it was. After getting out of work at 12:45 on Friday (actually getting to use my coupon!) I anxiously awaited Nick's arrival. He got to our house around 5pm, and we stopped over his dad's house, wegmans etc. to get ready for our weekend. We stayed in Friday night and played with the Wii, and passed out early.

Saturday Nick and I were busy grocery shopping for our cookout, getting the house ready etc. Steve had to work til 4pm so he was not around to help. The boys went out Saturday night to some local bars, I stayed home since the bar scene is just not my thing anymore.

Sunday was busy! I was up early, we took the dogs to the park so they could release some energy before people started showing up. I prepared some of the food Saturday night so I wouldn't have to worry about doing TOO much Sunday. I marinated, washed, cut up all the food that we were planning on serving and the boys did boy things - changed Nick's oil, showed Nick's dad Steve's new exhaust etc.

We had a good turnout! The food was good! A good time was had by all...

Until that is...I found out that close friends of Steve's (and mine), since we were kids...are planning their wedding the week before ours!

Here's the background: they got engaged December of 2007. They set their date as June 20, 2009 for the past 8 months. They announced at our BBQ that they changed their date to be May 22, 2010. Of course I played it off like it didn't bother me...since we had so many people at our house, I didn't feel it was appropriate to say anything at the time...but I'm livid! They KNEW our date! We talked about it at length with them! I don't want to share that time with another couple! It's OUR TIME! It's OUR wedding! I'm so upset that "friends" would choose to do that to us. I don't think it's an "honest mistake" since we had talked about it when we went camping in July. I know it's a week before ours, and not the exact same date, but we're going to have many mutual friends at both weddings! It's only natural for people to compare. As selfish as it sounds, I want our wedding to be about US - not about "our other friends who got married last week" and it sucks that now we have to deal with it.

Ugh - just one more stressful thing for me to deal with!

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