Friday, September 19, 2008

Kardio kickboxing?

I had my first kickboxing class last night and it wasn't too bad! I'm pretty damn proud of myself for doing TWO, that's right, TWO classes per week. I'm motivated. I WANT this. I need to lose 20 pounds. I'm gonna do it damnit if it kills me. After the first aerobics class I had, my legs were killing me. I could barely walk down stairs, each leg shaking as I put weight on it. Not anymore! After my second aerobics class I was fine and I feel good today too!

I weighed myself before the first class and I'll weigh myself again at the end of the month. I don't want to see what I weigh each day...I know it won't change much and I don't want to get discouraged.

On another note - I'm starting to get really excited about wedding planning. We get to sign the contract for Casa Larga at the end of this month - if the damn coordinator would email me back! She's been very responsive in the past, so I'm going to give her more time to get back to me before really bugging her. I just sent the email yesterday, so if I don't hear back by Monday, I'll give her a call. She seemed very cool the last time I saw her.

Then, I'm trying to meet a photographer next week too - Looks awesome and reasonably priced. I know that I don't want to cut myself short with photos, because, hell, it's the only things we'll have after the wedding for years to come! I want the best we can afford.

My sister is home from Austria too, so I'm going to my parents' house for dinner tonight and also doing lunch and a movie tomorrow. Should be fun! Haven't had a girls date in a long time.

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