I've been tagged by my friend Heather to share 7 random facts about myself and to tag other bloggers. I won't be tagging other bloggers because frankly, I don't know any other bloggers besides my sister and Heather who sent it to me. Ok, I'll tag my sister. But that's it!
7 random facts:
1) I was mistaken over and over again as a boy when I was a child. For good reason though. I had really, really, (I mean really) short hair as a child. I was such a tomboy, I loved being dirty, playing sports, hanging with the boys of the neighborhood, and being my dad's little buddy.
2) I almost didn't graduate high school. Not because I wasn't smart enough, but moreso because I cared more about getting high and skipping school. I didn't make it to any of my 9th grade math classes and was seriously getting phone calls home from my guidance counselor telling my parents that unless I straightened up, I might not graduate. I did graduate, and was on honor roll for junior and senior year.
3) I never wore shorts in high school. Why? I have this skin condition called eczema, which I was extremely self conscious about. Kids can be MEAN and they were. So ergo, I stopped wearing shorts in high school. I could care less now. But you know how it is in high school.
4) I was/am really into cars. I've loved cars since my dad took me to my first car show at the age of 7. I love driving fast. I love driving stick. I bet I can drive better than most guys out there. I got a ticket for "unsafe start" when I was drag racing a friend in Panorama Plaza when I was 16. Show me a turbo and I'll show you how it works.
5) I'm a daddy's girl through and through. I've always had a wonderful relationship with both my parents, but there's something about my relationship with my dad that just hits me in my heart. He's the one I go to for advice. He's the one who I call when I'm upset. Of course my mom is there for me too, but there's just something very special about my dad and I. Lots of great memories with just me and him. He's the best.
6) I'm extremely organized at work and have everything planned out perfectly. (Well, almost perfectly), but I'm a mess at home. Steve handles all our finances and important paperwork. You'd think me, the one who works in an office and handles this type of stuff daily...would have a better handle on it at home. Nope. I'm a mess. I've had utility companies call me because I forgot to send my check in. Not that I don't have the money, I just can't pay attention to that. Not sure why...so that's why Steve takes care of it all. I simply can't.
7) I want like 5 kids. Realistically, we'll probably only have 2, but I've always wanted a large family. I grew up with one sister and parents. Every holiday consisted of us 4. I enjoy a lot of people around, I love seeing lots of family gathering in one place...I've never had it, so I'd LOVE to have a million kids running around. It's just not affordable these days. Too bad.
I tag:
My sister Jennifer