Monday, May 19, 2008

Nikki's last weekend as a single girl

So Nikki came up for a visit while the boys were partying it up in NYC. She got to my house around 3pm on Saturday, just in time for us to go pick up my bridesmaid dress from the alteration lady's house.

We didn't make any real plans, we just wanted to hang out together, bitch and moan about our lives and people in was a great time! Even though we didn't DO much, just having her around was awesome. We went and got the dress Saturday afternoon, then just went back to the house, ordered some yummy food from Mark's, then just hung out! We watched TV, smoked some serious bud, and we both fell asleep around 12:30am! We're such old people!

Then on Sunday, we went to the mall and found some really cute clothes for the rehearsal dinner and whatever, grabbed lunch, ran into Jami and Charli at the mall....and went back to the house. I sent her home with the T-shirts and bachelorette invites, but I haven't yet finished the card box - the last thing I need is red fabric, so that's on my list for tonight after work.

The boys made it home around 5:30 or so (I was sound asleep on the couch) so I barely noticed...thankfully they made it home without any troubles.

Phew - I just have to get through Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday AM before I can head down for the wedding! So much to do in so little time!


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